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Sponsor a Child in Need: Michael I. Jr.

FUND IT FORWARD received this letter from his mom:

I first want to thank you for having such a website. The whole idea of paying it forward is incredible. My son lost his father at nine months and has had developmental delays since he was around a year old. I self referred him to Early Intervention at eighteen months and has not made much progress. I just got the diagnosis and being a single mother with no support system from his fathers side has made it impossible for me to keep up with his regular expenses and not these extra ones I am going to encounter. He is such a sweet lovable boy who deserves to have the best life he possibly can and unfortunately I can not provide him what he will need financially. I hope he is really considered but may God bless who ever benefits from this program.

Yours truly,
Nicole A.

June 2014

Would you like to help Michael?
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FUND IT FORWARD, P.O. Box 457, Wexford, PA 15090. Please include the child's name on your check.


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